Dark areas and bright areas

Yesterday I was baking lights for 12 hours but it didn’t make much difference to my scene. Some areas still look dark and some areas bright.

Like in this example: the left area looks dark while at the right it looks bright

Also with some objects I get a weird reflection when pointing with a spot light (flashlight).

First I need to make all areas visible, then I need to make only the interiors dark, but I can’t really try tweaking some settings and then bake because it will take another 12 hours.
These are my settings:

Am I doing something wrong?

I can only assume that you are new to this process. I would highly recommend reading through our manual and watching the following two videos which explain lightmapping process:

Also, I can see that you have both realtime GI and baked GI enabled. Do you require this in your project? Enabling both will contribute to the overall complexity, which will result in decreased runtime performance and baking time.

Hi thank you for your answer. I deactivated realtime GI and it helped solving some issues.

I have seen the videos you posted but I can’t find the answer. I have tweaking my settings with no results. The problems come when I bake because if I delete my lightmaps I can see everything clear.

For example here:

It has different colours, and it’s not about the object itself because I have the same object in another place with the correct colour.

By the way I’m using standard render pipeline.

On the “Baked Lightmap” shows as it didn’t bake:

No idea how or why.

Either you forgot to mark that object as a GI contributor, or that same object does not have any lightmap UVs.

It’s the same prefab.

Like this one:

Why do they get different lighting? They have the same settings

12hrs sounds like a very long time for baking lights

i suspect your set on GPU (Preview) and your project is very large or complex… Unity may have been defaulted back to the CPU, this is a pointless design as the GPU bake is most important on large / complex projects …

for this reason, plus many more I suggest you checkout a asset called “Bakery”
they also have a helpful community to learn from and the documentation is wonderful

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