Dark color theme for Pro only! Seriously?!!!!

I spend a loooot of time in front of my monitors and white/light colors make me and my eyes get tired soon.
ALLLLL other software i am using have dark themes available in default or at worst as a second accessible free options except in Unity which is considered a luxury thing and is available only for money!
Come on this is a health issue you cant make your users pay you or get sick!!

There was another post related to this but it seems that it was ignored or hijacked and eventually locked.
The Future of Unity Feedback page-8

As will this one, because we had like 20+ of these threads already.

Iirc even some devs at Unity would like to give us the dark skin for free, but their hands are tied by decisions made by people higher up the chain. Don’t forget who’s steering such big ships and temper your expectations accordingly.

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I’ll never understand people who think they have the right to make demands although the tool is given to them for free.

Bottom line, if the tool matches your requirements, then use it.
Otherwise, don’t use it.

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Sure, but withholding an interface theme seems… petty at this point. I own a Pro license, the dark theme didn’t a factor in my decision to get a Pro license.

In fact having it so high up (it’s practically first) in the unique “core” features of Plus and Pro, feels even weirder to me.

I start reading this list and see Dark UI and I go “wait, we reached the bottom of the barrel already?”


Yeah It really doesn’t worth! Nobody would actually get the Pro version just for Dark theme! it wont be a deciding feature.
Ive been using the pro version for almost 3 years (in my work) but my office decided not to extend now until 2-3 months later when we publish the project. We use the pro version for too much reasons but sure the dark theme is not one of them.

I agree that the dark theme is not a feature that deserves to be pro-only.

But i disagree with people who feel entitled to make demands on a product that is given to them for free.

Edit : grammar


Let me guess. @xald is going to move to Godot unless his entitlement is met!


mod edit: personal attacks are against the rules.

Personal attacks won’t get you anywhere.

[mention|WLQ8QB+RIwUsjI0Ltqu8vg==] pretty much nailed it in his post . Your thread isn’t the first one of its kind and it won’t be the last one either. This whole “make the dark theme free” has been discussed to death before and it likely won’t happen.

Or maybe it will? Unity’s new Editor UI is pretty moddable…

I pay for unity, and the dark theme never factored into this decision.

I dont know a single developer who has factored the dark theme into their decision to pay/not pay for unity.

At this point, its mostly just a decision that annoys users of the free tier, which is silly because keeping those guys around is the only way to progress them from free > paying customers.

Everyone will tell you that it doesnt have any basis in science that it hurts your eyes, people have posted this before, unity know etc etc, but it doesnt change the fact that its crazy we are still having this conversation in 2020.

All of that said, attacking other users and being generally aggressive is not the way to take this issue up.


Hey for us old farts around here we remember when having real time shadows, having static batching and some other things were all put behind a paywall by Unity. The only reason I feel it’s so silly to keep the dark theme behind a paywall is because the new editor UI system will allow users to make dark themes (already been done). Not to mention it’s extremely easy and takes about 15 seconds to enable dark theme (not that I endorse a EULA violation), I’m just saying its very low effort to enable it and then reverse it for any game submission. So why hide it behind a paywall?


Here is something practical you can do right now: Adjust the settings on your monitor to cut down the blue light, contrast, and overall brightness.

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Not feasible for people whose work is color-sensitive, like all of the artists. The same reason why f.lux isn’t a solution for them (otherwise magnificent utility).

AFAIK every professional app nowadays comes with dark (at least heavily gray) backgrounds as default. There’s an option for that in Windows, Android and countless websites. Obviously free of charge. Unity is the only app in the known part of the universe to charge for a dark mode - so bizarre and simply annoying :wink:

Such a weird thing might acceptable in the 30-day trial version of the software. Perhaps that’s how UT perceives its free version of the engine :wink:


you missed my very important point.

“Something practical you can do right now”

You dont need to wait for unity to get their shit together to save your eyeballs. You can do this right now. I do, and I’m an artist. Don’t have to have the color settings dialed in constantly.

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Be nice.

I appreciate the discussion going on here - I know it’s important. What we can’t have is yet another editor theme thread derail into chaos. Please follow the rules, discuss like adults and be nice to each other.


Still have 6 months left for a Dark Theme update (unless they counted it being in Student edition as the update?)



I have 2 displays, one has built-in blue light filter and one doesn’t. Both screens are already set on low bright/contrast. When I get them even lower the scene/game view gets really dark. And as other guys mentioned things then doesn’t look correct.

The dark UI is not something that Unity invited or is an exclusive feature of Unity engine so offering it for money just doesn’t makes sense.

And I apologize for my behavior above but those 2 guys weren’t constructive and I weren’t in the mood

i’m not defending unity. I think its is stupid. But there is no reason to make your eyes suffer. there is five threads about this a week, complaining here is meaningless. Might as well help yourself in the meantime.

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I want more free stuff too. Back to work Unity slaves.

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I’m surprised nobody has released a mod or something for Unity that does this.

I mean that would be a top seller on the asset store… oh wait…