I’m trying to achieve a room/basement where the light is zero and the only way to light the room up is player flashlight. But with with regular daytime outside the basement, it seems not as easy as I tought.
I tried Indirect Lighting intesnity set to 0 and the room gets darker but it remains lighted as long as Sky (HDRI) exposure is at normal levels.
I tried several another ways with volume boxes, physical sky, but I just can’t get it right. the basement is lightmapped inside Unity and I would like not to use RayTracing…
Your room take reflection from the sky. You need to create reflection probe around and bake it so it no change. And create two different volumes with one layer and different settings, one Global for outside, one Local for inside. Don’t forget add Box Collider on Local Volume and check as trigger, and increase blend distance to the Volume.
Volumes profiles must be different also, but the layers must be for example “Post”, and in MainCamera settings Volume Layer Mask must be same. In scene bake settings Global Volume profile must remain.
You can still see too bright fog. Just set (in local volume) Ambient Light Probe in Fog Settings to 0.
But yes, this is a problem, the difficulties do not end here. For example you can’t make outside light too bright, or everything will be overexposed from inside and transitions between volumes will be too sharp. Also on this scene I have an invisible cube around a room, casting lightmaps, otherwise the light from the outside will ruin everything. And don’t forget about light probes.