Dark Solution - The next great MMO

Craftcoin Studio’s is proud to present it’s new upcoming fantasy MMO; Dark Solution, created in the breathe-taking game engine, Unity. At Craftcoin Studio’s we take our work very seriously, and strive to give you, (the players) a unique and interactive experience, like no other. Our ground-breaking, never before seen, (in an MMO) character movement system is guaranteed to leave you astounded as you move about the majestic, fifty mile long continent of Lucina. Play as a Human, Dwarf, Dragonkin, Angelic, Troll, Orc, Pigmy, Elemental or a Daemon. In Dark Solution diversity is key. Elves are extinct.

Our Developers?

What We Have So Far?
We have all sorts of models finished for the game.

  • Basic Environment Models
  • Most of the basic race models
  • A couple building models

We also have amazing sound tracks done created by one of our very best Matt.

We also have a AMAZING character movement system that could keep you’re attention for days! It is perfect and comparable to assassins creed movement system.

Please like our Facebook page showing that you support us!

What are you guys using for Networking?

We are using Photoncloud.

Umm… Your making a MMO with Photoncloud? You do know that you can’t do any server side code with PhotonCloud right? So every Client will have access to all of the important game data which means you will be dealing with a Huge amount of hacking should your game get even remotely popular.

Ok, thanks :slight_smile: I will continue to look into that! We still haven’t fully decided about the networking part yet.

Normal Photon would work. And it comes with some MMO Specific code for area of Interest management. You will need to run the servers on your own Server Hardware which is expensive but running a MMO is expensive to start with.

Personally though I would go with uLink. uLink is a great Networking solution and it’s as easy or advanced as you want to make it.

I’m the Lead Programmer for ElectricCrow Games. Our Flagship product is a MMO called Greed Monger and we are using uLink.

Thanks! I will look into uLink :smile:

Why not show us a video of the movement system?