DARK THEME IS FREE!!! (2019.4.8)


About flipping time holy poopy!!! Unity finally stopped trying to be the cool kids on the block, being the only service/program in existence with a dark theme behind a paywall.

I’m gonna leave a little poll for people to share when they think dark theme should’ve been made free.

Oh the eyestrain and headaches this is gonna save me! I am now going to be working in Unity 48 hours a day, just to make up for all the time I could’ve spent in dark theme.


Man, I kicked up a stink at the people asking for the dark theme in the free version and boy do I feel like an asshole now.



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Wow, it’s truly the end of times. I never thought Unity would release the dark theme to free users. I’m very happy they did though, as I feel putting a dark UI theme behind a paywall is pretty archaic.

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Just give it some time and people will be asking for it to be back ported to every previous release.


Just updated to 2020.1.2f1 and dark theme appears to be the default skin.

  • Dark theme now free for personal users
  • Learn premium is free
  • Less staggered releases and a more stable tech cycle (2020.1/2020.2)

Whoever inside (individual or team) Unity pushed for these things needs a pay raise.


Hello, guys I have unity 2020.1 do you know where can I select the dark theme?

Choose Edit > Preferences from the main menu in Unity, then under General > Editor Theme.



I believe you need 2020.1.2f1 (the latest release) and it should be automatic. At least it was for me. I upgraded from 2020.1.1 and when I re-opened a project I had the dark theme.

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This. I just tried it on my end and that’s exactly what happened.

Plot twist it’s a preview package - you have to manually add it to your Package manager manifest file and HDRP is a dependency.


I knew that day would come! Thanks Unity, finally my eyes can thank you!

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I may be a dirty pleb, but at least now i don’t have to feel like one slaving away in Unity.

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Good on Unity. Seemed like such a weird thing to keep behind a paywall, especially now.

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A very unexpected, yet extremely appreciated decision. This is so much more visually comfortable and it now matches Bolt’s graph User Interface. Thank you again!

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Now fix the asset store.

I lost 2 hours other day for the simplest task.

Why cant we direct download to asset library on disk? The connection on that shit is unreliable.


Not sure if this is helpful for you, but a very useful asset I’ve purchased from the Asset Store is “Grab Yer Assets”. (a/k/a GYA) While it does not download the asset packages for you, that can be done from the Asset Store or 2020.1.* Package Manager where it is download to your user’s app folder (if in Windows 10). Of course, each asset has to be downloaded individually and updated manually.

Once I discovered the location it downloads them to, I created a folder on a large SSD and then created a junction (it’s kind of like a soft-link in Linux) from that user app folder to the SSD. All of my assets are downloaded there now and conveniently in one place, I can even add other folders with my custom reusable packages I’ve exported from Unity. From time to time I check the asset store for updates, download them, then refresh GYA’s cache.

GYA is great in that you can do searches, category filtering, identify and remove deprecated packages locally, open up the publisher or asset URL, and generate CSV reports from your assets. I also like how you can just import everything in one shot or do an interactive import where you can pick and choose the items from the package.

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That sounds so convenient it should be default functionality.

Coming next month: UNITY SALES DROP 99% :smile:


Very nice! Thanks UT!

Dark skin is the most compelling reason I see for myself to use an up-to-date Unity version. Makes the cynic in me wonder if this dark skin release was in part meant to drive adoption of newer versions because not enough people were using them.