How can lighten dark/unlit areas? These areas are not shadows, it’s areas that the directional light is not reaching. They might be called shadows in real life but I know they are not shadows because I can completely turn off shadows and these dark areas remain. For example an enemy that is facing the camera with its back to the directional light will be lit on the back but the face and front are engulfed in darkness.
Hi, what you’re looking for is indirect lighting, which is usually called global illumination (GI).
There’re three official GI solutions in HDRP:
- SSGI or Ray-tracing GI (fully dynamic)
- Enlighten Realtime GI (static geometries + dynamic lights)
- Baked Lightmap or static APV (static geometries + lights)
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If the areas outside of direct light is completely blacked out, then you need to add sky lighting to your scene. You do this by adding a Visual Environment and appropriate Sky to your Volume.
You do not need global illumination (such as SSGI) or any kind of baking to receive basic environment light for your real-time objects.
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Thanks but I kind of fixed things by adding an indirect lighting volume. It’s still not perfect so I’m blending in point lights in areas that are still too dark.