Darkening a Button when Not Clickable

Hey all. I’m totally new to using the UI Toolkit (and to any other UI builder) and I’m just trying to figure out how to make a button be darkened and unclickable unless a certain condition is met. I’ve been dredging through the manual, API, and experimenting in the editor and in scripts for the better part of two hours and I can’t figure it out. Any help?
Thanks in advance!

To make a button unclickable you should do:

// where button is a UnityEngine.UIElements.Button


You can also do this for any UI element that inherits from UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.

For the styling when disabled, the default behaviour of buttons in ui toolkit is to darken it, I don’t know if this is exactly the effect you’re hoping to achieve. If not then you would need to use the :disabled style selector in a USS class that is applied to your button. Something like:

       /* your styles here */

@BigStuuu I’ll give that a shot a see how it goes. Thank you!

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@BigStuuu Just implemented your method and it worked perfectly. Thanks again!