Hello, I have a problem with the VOLUME_CAMERA unbounded when exporting for the simulator. Yesterday, the scene within the Vision Pro simulator looked quite acceptable and clear, but now… it appears opaque, and at the end of the scene, the background looks clearer. I’m leaving a video here to show this… As I mentioned, I didn’t have this problem yesterday, and I was wondering if it’s possible to fix it? I know that Unity 2022.3 with PolySpatial 1.3.1 doesn’t generate good lighting, and Vision Pro has its own lighting, but since yesterday, the scene and the entire game have become dull… just as I show in the video. I would appreciate any comments or help… Thank you very much.
This is a known issue in the simulator, try changing the environment / lighting (button in the upper right) and it should fix itself. It’s a bug on the Apple side.
Since this apparently just started happening without a change on your part, one possibility is that you’re seeing a simulator issue with lighting that we have experienced in the past. We have an entry for it in the FAQ: basically, you might want to try switching to a different environment or trying Device → Erase All Content and Settings in the simulator menu. If that doesn’t fix it and you can reproduce the issue in a bug report, please do so and let us know the incident number (IN-#####) so that we can investigate.
Thank you for your help; it’s very valuable to me… I’ve changed the environment as DanMiller suggests in the simulator, but it’s still the same. What I’ve noticed is that this issue arises when using many game objects, but it’s more pronounced when changing the Volume_camera to unbounded… that’s where the problem becomes more noticeable. I’ll keep testing and will let you know to help others. Thanks.