I’ve been toying around with this production title for about 2 years now and finally getting somewhere. The game is a 3rd person action adventure game / platformer game. You play as a werewolf looking character named Kass. The odd bit is Kass is actually a good werewolf trying to save humanity from the sinister threat of a mad scientist (over used i know) who plans on taking over the world with an army of monsters created in the image of their hollywood counterparts.
The part im stuck on in development is wether or not i should give the player ranged combat abilities, like a gun or some thrown weapon. Im wondering if this would take away from the whole werewolf bit. So i decided to post here and see what all you Unity guys had to say. Its my first indie game but i want it to be decently cool.
I understand right you did the project for 2 years now or just thinking about the production title 2 years? So it’s just a plan or is there any playable/watchable stuff?
bit of bolth actually. I started learning unity about 2 years ago and have toyed off and on with making DarkHound using it. Going to college and hitting a few snags with blender to unity exporting has slowed me down a bit. Story Development has also been an issue untill now.Mostly its been “oh i had this great idea, but now how do i emplement it so people will actually play the flippin thing” lol. Im also still a complete nub when it comes to javascript and c# so thats why i figured to ask the community what they would expect out of the game before i go developing stuff that it may not need. I have a “playable first level” and i mean that in the sense u can get threw it with out falling threw the floor but no badguys yet as i havent sat down to do their AI script yet lol. Level is also kinda bare and boring so im waiting to get some more in that before i start having people alpha test.
I was asking because the WIP area is for projects that have kind of a status. When I understand you right you want to start off and need tips how to start?
Game status is “in Development”, I already have a bunch of things working, Prob is im soloing this project and have no one to bounce ideas off of in mid production. So i figured to post here and see what people had to say. My character can currently throw a disk object streight forward, its the “target enemy” thats got me in a bit of a bind. Thats why im wondering if its even worth the trouble seeing as this is my first indie game. I just dont want to post pics yet as the game although in development is still very much in the “i might change this later” stage. I dont want people to get false impressions of things im trying to do and ive seen many games bomb from the elites cause they marketed things that didnt even end up in the game…Blizzard being chief among them lol.
The wonderful thing about being Indie is that you can post whatever you want at forums like these. No one will come bitching at you later if you show things that you’ll change or remove later.
I think you should show us some pics, so that people can give you some constructive criticism or ideas. That’s basically what this forum is all about.
Additionally, I’m pretty sure that the forum-rules says that you have to show something; be it a screenshot or a playable alpha-version.
some of my most recent pictures of in game content, well for exception of the pic of kass next to the fighter, that was a make shift promo pic i played around with.
I wish i could do a few cutscenes or something but i found out the hard way that the free version of unity doesnt support pre rendered cutscenes so i have to make them in game. Im currently working on a better version of Kassy’s Model, the new one has a mesh modeled mouth with an amiture attached to move the lower jaw up in down in the vain attempt to make it look like she can talk lol.
i currently have a disk blade that she can throw, but im debating on doing a lock on feature like the infumous “preditor disk”, i did some reading aroun the forums and found others had issues getting mouse click targeting to work so im a bit hesitant to attempt it.
The idea was this thing could be altered via upgrade choices to perform secondary effects like set something on fire or emp electronics, then of course theres the “it explodes version”, upgraded versions would of had an ammo count so to limit player use but im debating on just making it so that the disk only can have one active effect at any givin point and not do ammo.
thus far Grimlins are the only fully rigged badguy i have ready to put in the game, They are more of a neusance than anything else, they deal very little damage but the idea is that they slow down the player decreasing chance to avoid ranged damage or get away from more powerfull enemies.
Its looks really good so far, i look forwards to seeing new screenshots of what you have done to the game. I like the story so far its funny in its way and love that the main character is a werewolf named Kass, thats something you don’t see everyday, also like the art style, Good luck with the game. Can’t wait to play it.
Newer model of main character, the textured mouth was bothering me along with the hair so i updated the mesh, some odd reason her ranged attack animation isn’t playing all the way threw, ill have to look into that later. I use an empty gameobject to spawn the disk when she throws it so nothing big if i cant get the full animation to work.
not doing throwing disk now, doing gun instead, and oh yeah i forgot to mention earlier…She’s Russian. US has MasterChief, Aulstrialia has Crash Bandicoot, Russia needs a cool Hero character…thats not an evil commy.
ok the whole range shooty thing has been giving me nothing but trouble, i got the ray cast to work and she could techinuqely shoot. What i didint realize was the way the third person controller scipt was set up it isn’t really ment for a third person over the shoulder shooter and im too much of a javascript noob to make my own so im giving up on making her have a ranged ability. Instead i think the game will be more like the original Crash games where so more platformer less fighter though kass will have a simulare spin move to harm nearby enimies.
Oh wow, i haven’t updated this yet, ok. I dropped the 3rd person controller and made the game FPS instead as i really wanted the ranged weapon to be availible. The game has taken on a dark Survival Horror feal to it which is what i wanted in the first place but anyway lol. I know making a good Survival Horror game is a tall order to fill these days, seems alot of the major peeps in the mainstream like Konomi, Capcom are letten people down. I wasnt too impressed with the new Silent Hill Downpour…so many missed opportunitys for a good scare! Not to mention the really buggy fighting, bleh, ill try to do better, just dont mind my primitive texture abilitys as im still a noob at computer graphic stuff.
now on to the new mobs:
ZOMBIES, you know you love em! My friend at college helped me conjure this one up, its called a Mutton Chopper becuase of its giant blade arm and Mutton Chop beard (texture may change a bit as its a little glossy)
The grimlin got a rework, if you can think of a better color than green let me know, i was origonally going to make them a dark color but didnt do to them being trouble making little thiefs and im trying to avoid things that might be racially suggestive.
Last but seriously not least is Sarcarath aka giant black sand worm monster thing, Sarcarath is one of the main villians or bosses in the game and hunts you from pretty much the start. If anyone has played the Dino Crisis games (not the third one it doesnt count cause it was horri fail!) then you may get what im going for.
Ok, the zombies, grimlins and the giant worm have been removed from game production, too many issues with them on top of a story that doesnt jive with the monsters. Also im trying to keep things simple as this is my first attempt at a game…as sad as it is. Not going to bother with pics for the two new mobs i created as i want to make sure im going to keep them first. Got Kass’s companion izzy done, he’s a robot, yeay an other flying Q Ball as Sargent Johnson would say if bungie hadn’t killed him off.