Darkhounds: going to try something different here

Ok so as Americans we all injoy shooters that potray us as the good guy and someone else as the bad guy, Shooters like Call of Duty support this. Personally i think i want my game, Darkhounds to be a bit different, I want to do a story where, yes, there is a crazy russian scientist who wants to re-unite the soviet union and conqure the world, but i want the hero to be Russian.

Reason for this is i would like to see a game made that doesnt generalize based of a bias. Come to think of it, My game is all about attacking bias considering the hero of it is a werewolf, most people would stop and say “wait, arn’t those evil”…haha thats the point, they normally are, but once again, im trying something that isnt the norm, anyway looking for opinions on this.

Storyline wise, my main character, Kassandrea, is coming home from active duty in the Russian military. The train she is on gets stopped and most of the people obducted henchmen for the main Antagonist, Dr. Ivan Grossburg, Kass and the others in the train become subjects of Ivans experiments but Kass and an other werewolf named Izzy, a 9 year old orphan, escape and aim to thwart Ivan’s plans for world domination.

The izzy character along with a few other planned symbols in the game will hopefully portray kass as the “good guy” and not just out for revenge. Might through a few points that refference to religion but this is very questionable. They would mostly point out the bias of organized religion vs things that are considered evil, the main point of support for werewolves being evil creatures.

Insperation for this kinda of story line comes from the Crash Bandicoot series though i plan to make Darkhounds take itself a bit more serious.

Here is a basic pic of Kassandrea in the (well for now) first level

Yeah i know it looks like she is smilling but this is an issue im having with “K-9” mouths in a open position, it makes her look kinda goofy and im working on fixing this.

Just as an FYI, bumping should be done every 24 hours. If no one replies, wait until someone does. Your of course welcome to update your threads, but better to wait till you have a lot of info to bump it up.

srry, i actaully added it all at once but broke it up so it was easy reading instead of one Ginormous post, i used to play WoW, block posting bugs me lol.