Darkness Overblows the Image [SOLVED]


Still a bit new to HDRP and doing some interesting things.
However, I am having a problem. I essentially want to remove all lights from a scene (Have it be dark) and re-introduce lights, but there’s a strange thing that occurs which is, if I add anything dark to a scene.

Even an unlit black box it overblows the image as seen here.

(I add a black box. And then I make the camera background black)

I’ve been testing with render setting and the like, but cannot really understand why this occurs and how to just have a dark, unlit scene. (Essentially, the sky is giving me too much light, is the problem)

(Here you can see I turn off the sky, get the result I want before it overblows the image again)

This happens as well with standard HDRP material.

Are you using auto exposure? I’ve had trouble wrangling auto exposure to produce reasonable results in dark scenes. Even a tiny amount of light causes the exposure to go way negative (makes everything brighter) until the bloom explodes across the screen. Try a fixed exposure volume override.

Edit: Note also that the default exposure settings are … questionable. Default exposure ranges from -10 to 10 and default fixed exposure is 0. See the wikipedia page on exposure if you want to use light ranges that are physically plausible. 12 is probably a good starting point.

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Thank you, @foonix ! It was the exposure compensating, it seems.

VERY powerful the HDRP, but it has many knobs and buttons.