I’m fairly new to unity, I wrote a script for a dash move towards the mouse when left mous button is clicked.
BUT, I used transform for the dash - causing my player object to dash through walls.
I’ve tried Lerp and AddForce(calculating the angle of the mouse click), but couldnt manage to get the same dashing effect from it towards the mouse position.
Any suggestions on how to implement this mechanic?
Here’s the code. first I’m setting the dash time, getting the mouse position, and then getting the vector for it.
Then I execute the dash move.
Also, is it fine using transform.position in a function outside of FixedUpdate? Does the dash results change if used on another computer this way?
private void DashStart()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
dashTime = 0.08f;
dashTowards = UtilsClass.GetMouseWorldPosition();
dashTargetPos = (dashTowards - GetPosition()).normalized;
state = State.Dashing;
private void Dash()
float dashSpeed = 40f;
if (dashTime > 0)
transform.position += dashTargetPos * dashSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
dashTime -= Time.deltaTime;
else if (dashTime <= 0)
Here I changed the velocity. Now dashing only works on the vertical axis for some reason.
if (dashTime > 0)
rb.velocity = new Vector2(dashTargetPos.x * dashSpeed, dashTargetPos.y * dashSpeed);
dashTime -= Time.deltaTime;