Data persistence INT increment not working

Hi, my score int is always 0 and doesn’t increment. I can’t seem to affect the “score” value unless I declare a value in the awake function. It should increment “score” every time I go back to the scene that this game object is active in (just for testing to make more complex later).

Please advise.

#pragma strict

var control : GameControl;
var score : int;
var ScoreText : UnityEngine.UI.Text;

function Awake () {
Debug.Log("GameControl runs");

ScoreText.text = "Score: " + score.ToString();

	if (control == null)
		control = this;
		score = score + 1;
	} else if (control != this)

function Update () {
		score = score + 1;

I had to initiate the score as “static var score : int;” so that the value can persist throughout all scenes rather than recreate itself each time with the referenced value in the script.