Data type, class, or struct that represents a 0,1 range

I must be forgetting something…

Is there some datatype, struct, or something that represents a range of values for a float?

I’m looking for a lazy (zero lines of code) way to clamp a float value in the Inspector.

I don’t think it’s important enough for me to begin my long overdue foray into the world of custom inspectors… Unless they actually are as easy as everything else in Unity!

There’s no built-in data type with a value fixed between 0 and 1. Really a custom inspector is the way to go, and it’s not hard at all. But if you just need a quick fix, you could add your own clamping in your main script by allowing it to execute in edit mode:

@script ExecuteInEditMode()
public var myValue : float;
function Update() {
	myValue = Mathf.Clamp(myValue, 0.0, 1.0);

Note that this can complicate things because you then have to qualify your runtime-only code with something like:

function Update() {
	myValue = Mathf.Clamp(myValue, 0.0, 1.0);
	if(Application.isPlaying) {
	// Do stuff only at runtime

There isn’t a datatype or anything that’s inherently clamped between 0 and 1, no.

I have a code snippet that does this and is easily modifiable for other purposes. (And boy do I wish Markdown had a “Spoiler” tag )

Init with:

 FloatRange myVar = new FloatRange(min,max,startvalue);

Then use the variable like any float but it won’t go beyond the set limits. It appears as “Min” and “Max” in editor inspectors but the values aren’t clamped when editing there, to do so would require a custom inspector. If you want the current value shown as well you can remove the [HideInInspector] attribute. It can be used implicitly with float, int, Int16, or Int32 in if statements and if it is initialized with an int the max and min values will automatically be clamped within that int’s bounds.

There is a Contains(value) function to check if a FloatRange, float or int is within bounds as well which can streamline bounds checks on variables.

If anyone else needs this you may find this class handy:

using System;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using UnityEngine;

	/// <summary>
	/// Container class for a float variable with a clamped range. Also handy for minimum/maximum checks to variable parameters.
	/// Can easily be expanded or modified to add features.
	/// This code is released by Corey Skiffington (c) 2013 for private or public use with the following conditions:
	/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work on an "AS IS" BASIS,
	/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any
	/// You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume
	/// any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
	/// You may modify and use this code in any project as long as the original author (Corey Skiffington) is mentioned
	/// in the credits with a simple thank you at least. :)
	/// </summary>
	public class FloatRange : ISerializable
		// These attributes are needed for Inspector support in Unity3.x
		// If using 4.x than a PropertyDrawer can be created instead.
		private float _currValue;
		private float _min;
		private float _max;

		#region Public Properties
		public float minimumValue
			get { return _min; }
				if (value > maximumValue)
					float temp = _max;
					_max = value;
					_min = temp;
					_currValue = temp;
					if (value <= _currValue)
						_min = value;
						_min = value;
						_currValue = value;
		public float maximumValue
			get { return _max; }
				if (value < minimumValue)
					float temp = _min;
					_min = value;
					_max = temp;
					_currValue = temp;
					if (value >= _currValue)
						_max = value;
						_max = value;
						_currValue = value;
		public float Value
			get { return _currValue; }
				if (value <= minimumValue)
					_currValue = minimumValue;
				else if (value >= maximumValue)
					_currValue = maximumValue;
					_currValue = value;

		#region constructors
		public FloatRange()
			_min = 0f;
			_max = 1f;
			Value = 0f;
		public FloatRange(Int16 value)
			_min = -32767;
			_max = 32767;
			Value = value;
		public FloatRange(Int32 value)
			_min = -2147483647;
			_max = 2147483647;
			Value = value;
		public FloatRange(Int64 value)
			_min = -9223372036854775807;
			_max = 9223372036854775807;
			Value = value;
		public FloatRange(float value)
			_min = -9223372036854775807;
			_max = 9223372036854775807;
			Value = value;
		public FloatRange(FloatRange floatRange)
			this.minimumValue = floatRange.minimumValue;
			this.maximumValue = floatRange.maximumValue;
			this.Value = floatRange.Value;
		public FloatRange(float minimum, float maximum)
			if (maximum < minimum)
				_min = maximum;
				_max = minimum;
				_min = minimum;
				_max = maximum;
			Value = minimum;
		public FloatRange(float minimum, float maximum, float initialValue)
			if (maximum < minimum)
				_min = maximum;
				_max = minimum;
				_min = minimum;
				_max = maximum;
			Value = initialValue;
		public FloatRange(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
			float minimum = info.GetSingle("MinimumValue");
			float maximum = info.GetSingle("MaximumValue");
			if (maximum < minimum)
				_min = maximum;
				_max = minimum;
				_min = minimum;
				_max = maximum;
			Value = info.GetSingle("CurrentValue");

		#region ToString Conversions
		public override string ToString()
			return _currValue.ToString();
		public string ToLongString()
			return "Min: " + minimumValue + ", Max: " + maximumValue + ", Current: " + _currValue;

		/// <summary>
		/// Check if a value is within range
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="value">The float to check</param>
		/// <returns>True if between min and max inclusive.</returns>
		public bool Contains(float value)
			if (value >= minimumValue && value <= maximumValue)
				return true;
				return false;
		public bool Contains(Int16 value)
			if (value >= minimumValue && value <= maximumValue)
				return true;
				return false;
		public bool Contains(Int32 value)
			if (value >= minimumValue && value <= maximumValue)
				return true;
				return false;
		public bool Contains(Int64 value)
			if (value >= minimumValue && value <= maximumValue)
				return true;
				return false;

		// Needed for Serialization
		public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
			info.AddValue("MinimumValue", minimumValue);
			info.AddValue("MaximumValue", maximumValue);
			info.AddValue("CurrentValue", Value);

		#region Operator Overloads
		// +
		public static FloatRange operator +(FloatRange a1, FloatRange a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a1);
			temp.Value += a2.Value;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator +(FloatRange a1, float a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a1);
			temp.Value += a2;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator +(float a1, FloatRange a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a2);
			temp.Value += a1;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator +(FloatRange a1, int a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a1);
			temp.Value += a2;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator +(int a1, FloatRange a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a2);
			temp.Value += a1;
			return temp;
		// -
		public static FloatRange operator -(FloatRange a1, FloatRange a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a1);
			temp.Value -= a2.Value;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator -(FloatRange a1, float a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a1);
			temp.Value -= a2;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator -(float a1, FloatRange a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a2);
			temp.Value -= a1;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator -(FloatRange a1, int a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a1);
			temp.Value -= a2;
			return temp;
		public static FloatRange operator -(int a1, FloatRange a2)
			FloatRange temp = new FloatRange(a2);
			temp.Value -= a1;
			return temp;
		// ++
		public static FloatRange operator ++(FloatRange floatRange)
			floatRange.Value += 1;
			return floatRange;
		// --
		public static FloatRange operator --(FloatRange floatRange)
			floatRange.Value -= 1;
			return floatRange;
		// <
		public static bool operator <(FloatRange value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1.Value < value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <(FloatRange value1, float value2)
			return value1.Value < value2;
		public static bool operator <(float value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 < value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <(FloatRange value1, Int16 value2)
			return value1.Value < value2;
		public static bool operator <(Int16 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 < value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <(FloatRange value1, Int32 value2)
			return value1.Value < value2;
		public static bool operator <(Int32 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 < value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <(FloatRange value1, Int64 value2)
			return value1.Value < value2;
		public static bool operator <(Int64 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 < value2.Value;
		// >
		public static bool operator >(FloatRange value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1.Value > value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >(FloatRange value1, float value2)
			return value1.Value > value2;
		public static bool operator >(float value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 > value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >(FloatRange value1, Int16 value2)
			return value1.Value > value2;
		public static bool operator >(Int16 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 > value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >(FloatRange value1, Int32 value2)
			return value1.Value > value2;
		public static bool operator >(Int32 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 > value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >(FloatRange value1, Int64 value2)
			return value1.Value > value2;
		public static bool operator >(Int64 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 > value2.Value;
		// >=
		public static bool operator >=(FloatRange value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1.Value >= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >=(FloatRange value1, float value2)
			return value1.Value >= value2;
		public static bool operator >=(float value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 >= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >=(FloatRange value1, Int16 value2)
			return value1.Value >= value2;
		public static bool operator >=(Int16 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 >= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >=(FloatRange value1, Int32 value2)
			return value1.Value >= value2;
		public static bool operator >=(Int32 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 >= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator >=(FloatRange value1, Int64 value2)
			return value1.Value >= value2;
		public static bool operator >=(Int64 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 >= value2.Value;
		// <=
		public static bool operator <=(FloatRange value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1.Value <= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <=(FloatRange value1, float value2)
			return value1.Value <= value2;
		public static bool operator <=(float value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 <= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <=(FloatRange value1, Int16 value2)
			return value1.Value <= value2;
		public static bool operator <=(Int16 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 <= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <=(FloatRange value1, Int32 value2)
			return value1.Value <= value2;
		public static bool operator <=(Int32 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 <= value2.Value;
		public static bool operator <=(FloatRange value1, Int64 value2)
			return value1.Value <= value2;
		public static bool operator <=(Int64 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 <= value2.Value;
		// ==
		public static bool operator ==(FloatRange value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1.Value == value2.Value;
		public static bool operator ==(FloatRange value1, float value2)
			return value1.Value == value2;
		public static bool operator ==(float value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 == value2.Value;
		public static bool operator ==(FloatRange value1, Int16 value2)
			return value1.Value == value2;
		public static bool operator ==(Int16 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 == value2.Value;
		public static bool operator ==(FloatRange value1, Int32 value2)
			return value1.Value == value2;
		public static bool operator ==(Int32 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 == value2.Value;
		public static bool operator ==(FloatRange value1, Int64 value2)
			return value1.Value == value2;
		public static bool operator ==(Int64 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 == value2.Value;
		// !=
		public static bool operator !=(FloatRange value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1.Value != value2.Value;
		public static bool operator !=(FloatRange value1, float value2)
			return value1.Value != value2;
		public static bool operator !=(float value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 != value2.Value;
		public static bool operator !=(FloatRange value1, Int16 value2)
			return value1.Value != value2;
		public static bool operator !=(Int16 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 != value2.Value;
		public static bool operator !=(FloatRange value1, Int32 value2)
			return value1.Value != value2;
		public static bool operator !=(Int32 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 != value2.Value;
		public static bool operator !=(FloatRange value1, Int64 value2)
			return value1.Value != value2;
		public static bool operator !=(Int64 value1, FloatRange value2)
			return value1 != value2.Value;

		public override bool Equals(object obj)
			if (obj == null) return false;
			FloatRange fr = obj as FloatRange;
			if (fr != null)
				return fr.Value == this.Value;
			return false;
		public bool Equals(FloatRange obj)
			if (obj == null) return false;
			return (obj.Value == Value);
		public override int GetHashCode()
			return Value.GetHashCode();
		// conversion operators
		public static implicit operator FloatRange(Int16 integer)
			FloatRange output = new FloatRange(integer);
			return output;
		public static implicit operator Int16(FloatRange floatRange)
			return (Int16)floatRange.Value;
		public static implicit operator FloatRange(Int32 integer)
			FloatRange output = new FloatRange(integer);
			return output;
		public static implicit operator Int32(FloatRange floatRange)
			return (Int32)floatRange.Value;
		public static implicit operator FloatRange(Int64 integer)
			FloatRange output = new FloatRange(integer);
			return output;
		public static implicit operator Int64(FloatRange floatRange)
			return (Int64)floatRange.Value;
		public static implicit operator FloatRange(float input)
			FloatRange output = new FloatRange(input);
			return output;
		public static implicit operator float(FloatRange floatRange)
			return floatRange.Value;