data visualization

I don’t know if this is the right forum or not, but I don’t know where to put this.

Do you think it would be possible to use unity to create some kind of visualization of a library with on the order of 500 million volumes? Is unity the right kind of tool, is it not powerful enough, etc.?

I think you may need to elaborate on how the 500M volumes need to be visualized just a little bit. You probably wont show every item on screen at once? If you want to visualize parts and then stream bits of it in as you go - then Unity is capable.

Yeah, more explanation is definitely going to be helpful in guiding you. But in general, Unity is a very capable tool to use for data visualization so you’re in the right place.

FYI: this may be a better topic for Gossip than Support, but let’s let it ride for now… :slight_smile: