David helgason are you listening? Are you seeing this?

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY 100% RIDICULOUS. I cannot tell you how many times I have clicked on Showcase in hopes of seeing new games but instead see the same washed up Unity assets available on the Asset store. SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS. This forum is SUPPOSED to be about people making great things with Unity, but it is instead full of people who make things like ORK RPG KIT SYSTEM which is COMPLETELY 100% USELESS UNLESS YOU ARE MAKING AN IDENTICAL GAME TO FINAL FANTASY. This is hindering creativity, and it is hindering any games from becoming known since they are washed away by useless unity asset plugins that no one will ever use in a real game. These forums need to be separated and it pisses me off that these useless plugins are filtered to the top of a forum named “SHOWCASE”. This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1000% BENIGN and useless to development.

What are you 12? Learn to type and stop crying about how things are because they aren’t the way YOU want them.

Also, way to insult ORK, it’s a great system, and just because someone uses it to create a game doesn’t mean their game won’t be good, that’s a terrible logic to think just because a game uses a plugin from the asset store, or a kit, that it’s going to be bad.

I hope David Helgason sees this and sees how much of a moron you are.

Also on top of everything, I’m pretty positive most popular Unity games aren’t even posted on these forums simply because this isn’t the best place to market a game.

Get real, I’m not 12, I’ve created over 25 games, Unity is just a side project. This forum is based on Unity assets, not unity games. I OWN ORK, did 'YOU PAY $200 FOR ORK?"? I did, I paid for just about every asset that you see on this forum. This forum is misleading, it should be about what people make, not about ORK, which, I can guarantee you, in the end will be useless to you. I’m asking for a separation from unity plugins and unity Games. It couldn’t be more of a simple task.

Not too long ago, Zorn posted Down Hill OMG 2 under this forum. Perhaps he feels burnt out, Idk. As of late, he seems to be man on a mission. Through means of agitation, you’ve won my attention, but infamy isn’t all too great after all. The repercussions will suck if you keep it up Zorn, these people who make dev kits are your peers. They’re hard working people, just like any of us who’ve developed a game. Try to be nice and take up any concerns with Unity directly, they have a phone number to call after all.

See what’s under “Showcase”.

“Show your finished Unity work”

I agree that having two sections would be a little more organized, but the way you’re bashing people all around is a terrible way to go about it, just makes you look like a bonehead.

Created over twenty-five games, and you show stuff like this? Alright.


Saying a unity asset is different than a unity game is not bashing anyone. Unity is here to make games. Showcase is to showcase your games. there clearly needs to be a line drawn here. I don’t care about my games, I’m just outspoken that over the last 100 games I saw on here, everything is drowned out by the next Ork Plugin ( I have NO QUALMS ABOUT ORK PLUGIN, I BOUGHT IT, USED IT FOR A WHILE, THAT GUY IS AGENUIS) but ORK should be in a different forum .

If David saw your thread, he’d cry and then close the forums.

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Try not to throw words like useless and ridiculous while you’re at it.

You obviously have not seen any videos with David discussing what he wants out of this. I speak out of a single game dev mind, I wnat to make games. Maybe David has changed since the last 20 videos I saw of him, but ther


there is already


You are literally delusional, seek medical care right away.

I don’t see this thread going anywhere useful.