Hello , I’m a beginner Unity user and i would like to make a day and night cycle as said in the title . But i would really really like to make stars appear in night time & there is no such tutorial anywhere showing how to do this…
So i was wondering if anyone can help me , guide or advise on how to make a day and night cycle that night time stars will appear in the sky. Thanks ahead.
Question is very broad.
Broad answer would be make 2 skyboxes one normal one with stars and switch them?
Ok lets say i have 2 skyboxes… How can Command The skyboxes to fade when the moon rises?
I would write a shader that would lerp between the two textures.
I think you need a bit more general Unity knowledge first.
I know im working about it thx for your advise and support .
You might be able to get away with a simple Lerp. Maybe, I don’t play much in the graphics space.
Maybe check out this asset and look under the hood on how he created it. Might help you out a bit.