dds file type stops addressables from building for iOS forever

I had some *.dds files in a project set as addressable. When attempting to build the addressables for iOS, it failed saying that DXT5 compressed is not supported. I converted the files to png, imported the png textures, set them in the materials, removed the dds from addressables Group window (I tried disabled addressable option on each file and deleting from the group window), and deleted the dds files from the project. I tried update, new build script, and clean, but I always get a console error referencing one of the deleted files.

ArgumentException: Asset ‘.dds’ is not a valid Asset or Scene. Thrown from Scriptable Build Pipeline 1.14.1

I tried disabling the group that used to have the dds assets from building in advanced settings but the addressables build still fails.

Unity 2019.4.5f1
Addressables 1.16.10
Scriptable Build Pipeline 1.14.1

How do I get the addressables builds to stop referencing the deleted files @ ?

Hmm…let me kick this to the team for them to review.

The only thing I could do was a clean build and then delete the bin file and then rebuild all the assets, making sure I did not have the dds files in the project anymore.

Hmm, that’s an odd situation. We’d likely need a repro project for this since it sounds very project specific. If you’d like to submit a bug with a project that’d be very helpful.

As a workaround, in Addressables 1.16.15 (and maybe earlier, you could check and see if it’s in 1.16.10 before upgrading) there’s an option on the AddressabeAssetSettings object to “Ignore Invalid/Unsupported Files in Build.” While this isn’t a great solution, it might be useful if you run into situations like this in the future.