Hello @DEEnvironment ,
I’m using your shaders through a 3rd party package, namely Nature Package - Forest Environment by @ALP8310 :
I noticed the DEC shaders increase the build times dramatically. I did a test in a empty URP project in Unity 2021.3.5f1 where I solely added the DEC Surface Wind shader (12X) and added it to a cube in a empty scene.
Without the single DEC shader I get these build times (on an Intel 10700):
first build: 39 seconds
subsequent build: 8 seconds
When I use the DEC shader on the cube I get these build times:
first build: 29 minutes
subsequent builds: 121 seconds
In one of my actual projects where I tried to use the Forest Environment, the first build times were up to a few hours and about 15 minutes for subsequent builds, which is very high for my use case.
Do you have any tips or advice to decrease the build time while still using the wind shaders? I know it’s mostly a Unity problem (see Improvements to shader build time and runtime memory usage and Shader Stripping Improvements in URP - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions ) but maybe you have a some workarounds? Do you experience the same issues?
From what I understand, the use of many shader keywords can dramatically increase the build time. Is this the case with the DEC wind shaders? And would this behaviour occur with many Amplify shaders or just when using specific features?