deactivate un-used zeros

I have a script which counts with textures for example 123 would assign the texture 1,2 and 3 to be rendered, but when I only have 1 digit like (5)the others are set to zero making it look like (500)…so how can i disable the zeros until they become meaningful like in numbers (20) or (560)…

     // varibles begin // 
var TotalPoints:int; // this variable is edited externaly and shows howmany points we have 

var digit1:int;
var digit2:int; // all these are to store the integers 
var digit3:int;
var digit4:int;

var CoinsTextTexture: Texture; // texture section this is for the text "coins"

var numbers : Texture2D[];// array of  images of numbers 0-9


       //end of variables//

 function Update(){
    var s:String = TotalPoints.ToString();

     digit1 = int.Parse(""+s[0]);
     digit2 = int.Parse(""+s[1]);
     digit3 = int.Parse(""+s[2]);
     digit4 = int.Parse(""+s[3]);
   function OnGUI(){
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.75,70,50), CoinsTextTexture);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit1]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.04,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit2]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.08,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit3]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.12,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit4]);


After a long struggle i finally got it … This is not the most efficient way but it worked. If any one has any ideas of how i can make it better or if I’m doing this wrong please tell me. here is the code in case someone has this problem! :]

         // varibles begin // 
var TotalPoints:int; // this variable is edited externaly and shows howmany points we have 

var digit1:int;
var digit2:int; // all these are to store the intigers 
var digit3:int;
var digit4:int;

var s: String; //this holds the current number

var CoinsTextTexture: Texture; // texture section this is for the text "coins"
var numbers : Texture2D[];// array of  images of numbers 0-9

       //end of variables//

 function Update(){
    s = TotalPoints.ToString();
    var numberInt: int;
    numberInt = int.Parse(s);
     digit1 = int.Parse(""+s[0]);
     if(numberInt>9){             // I added this condition becuase i got the index is out of range error..
     digit2 = int.Parse(""+s[1]);
     digit3 = int.Parse(""+s[2]);
     digit4 = int.Parse(""+s[3]);
   function OnGUI(){
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.75,70,50), CoinsTextTexture);// random texture display 
                                         //Digit 1
       if(s.Length==1){ // if s has 1 digit  ************************************
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit1]);
                                          //Digit 2
       if(s.Length==2){ // if s has 2 digits ****************************
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit1]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.04,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit2]);
	                                      //Digit 3
	   if(s.Length==3){ // if s has 3 digits ****************************
	 GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit1]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.04,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit2]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.08,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit3]);
                                          //Digit 4 
      if(s.Length==4){ // if s has 4 digits ****************************
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.0,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit1]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.04,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit2]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.08,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit3]);
     GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(Screen.width*0.12,Screen.height*0.85,100,100), numbers[digit4]);

There’s a much easier solution. Just use your original code and change line #23 to:

    var s:String = TotalPoints.ToString("D4");