Deactivating Child Game Objects

I have imported several obj files which I assume become Game Objects:


They are all children of a prefab GameObject:

![alt text][1]

This game object is instansiated in code, several times.

for each of the instances I would like to disable all but one model per instance.
This is the code:

// get model name from setup file and disable all tagged as "Airframe" 

// whose name does not match the model name in the setup file.

if (tokens[kObjectToken] == SystemTypes.kModel) {

   var modelName = tokens[kValueToken];

   var models = subassembly.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Airframe");

   for (var m in models) {

      if ( != modelName) {
 = false;
         LogClass.AddLine( + " deactivated");

It works in that it finds the correct name of the model but nothing is disabled. When I look a the instantiated GameObjects, they are still enabled.

Thanks for any feedback!

This is not the best solution, but if you just want them to disappear, you can try unrendering them:

instead of: = false;


// make the object invisible
m.renderer.enabled = false;