I used Unity version 2017.1.0f3 (64-bit) editor and DragonBones worked correctly. I am using animation in binary format. Binary animations are not loaded when using Unity 2018.4.36f1 (64-bit) or Unity 2022.3.5f1. Perhaps this is the difference between the versions of Unity? Please help me find the reason.
Scene 1.HellowDragonBones.unity
DBDT binary file: AlienWorld/role1018b/role1018b_ske.bytes ( found on the internet for example).
P.S.: also in assets by selecting 3 files (binary, png and atlas) In the 2017 version, you can right-click to create-> dragonbones. But in versions of Unity above, the button is not active.
Maybe someone has come across a similar problem and can help. Thank you