Deadbolt style stealth question.

Hello there, i have been working on a little 2D platformer project, and was wondering how would i go about implementing a hiding system similar to Deadbolt game. Where a character “enters” the ventilation system(therefore is invisible to enemies), and is capable of moving within a given ventilation system sort of on rails.i attached some screenshots hopefully that will help to understand the question.

Hope to hear from you soon.

It looks like you ask the player if they want to enter the vent, or something like that. You could set a bool when they are in the vent & then have the guards ignore the player if the bool is true.

Hey, thanks for your reply, i have sorted out the “hiding” and moving in the “vent”, where i disable the player object and activate the “smoke”, which has its own script for movement between points in ventilation system, however, in deadbolt game when you enter the vent it reveals the ventilation system and it kinda dims the rest of the level, i was wondering how would i approach that as well :smile: