Dealing with ICS and HC Menu bars

Hey all,

So we’re having issues figuring out the resolutions to support (or aspects i should say) or all the various devices… we’ve been supporting 16:9 and 16:10 just fine and fitting on most, but with HC and now ICS we’re seeing resolutions and aspects that aren’t technically correct due to the bar taking up needed screen space. Is there a way to easily figure out all the permutations of these new possible resolutions? We basically use the aspect ratio/resolution to determine our orthographic view size so right now we’re seeing a lot of oddness with inventory bars scaling wrong because the ortho is getting set wrong.

Also, and i don’t think its possible, but can you minimize the bar into a smaller version or run the game BEHIND the bar so the device is in the original resolution/Aspect?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

I know it is possible to minimize the bar somewhat since apps like Netflix, and some of the reader and gallery apps do it.

If you take a screenshot on ICS it will include the bottom bar so you can likely figure out its size from that. I don’t know if the bar has a standard thickness or if is proportional to the device. Perhaps some crowd-sourcing is in order?