Dear Asset Providers

Please, can you fix warnings that pop up in Unity due to not updating your Unity API calls to the latest versions? For people like me with OCD (I don’t actually have OCD), it means I have to click clear every time I see them pop up in the console. Plus! warnings from my own scripts get caught up in the chaos.

It’s a 5-minute job, but if I fix it, then I have to maintain a collection of patch scripts for your assets (which becomes hard to work into updates without source control).

I’m shaming on you PhysSound and Fast Shadow Projector! - Although these are both amazing assets, I use them so much that this issue is starting to be a problem.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Not sure if any of mine do it, but one thing I do know is, if which ever version of Unity you upload it with, that’s the version that will be bare minimum to download it. Not sure if there’s anything where I can do a #IF_UNITY_5.3.4 or something.

I hardly use content from the Asset Store but have used plenty of other third-party plugins over the last few years, and it really does annoy me when you get warnings as soon as you’ve done importing. Not quite as bad as errors though, and that can happen. I think it’s just good etiquette. And I agree, I don’t want to miss my own warnings that could be important.

Yep, we try really hard to make sure you don’t see those in our products. It annoys me too, especially when trying to debug my own stuff. Although it can take a little longer than 5 mins :slight_smile:

Why don’t you send an email to the author of said plugins? They are much more likely to see that than a random thread in one of many Unity forums.

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