I’ve tried a number of things here, but I can’t seem to get the variables to stop resetting. I tried changing the integer to a static int, but it still reset. I also read that static variables should be avoided in most instances.
The script is attached to the player, and the death counter code I have is as follows:
If it helps in narrowing down the issue, as a test I also set the death counter to increase after a key is pushed, and the level to reset after a different one is pushed. The variables reset regardless.
Hi There! I’ve also heard a bit that static variables should be avoided but if you do decide to use it for your death counter I just tested your script with a static variable in JavaScript and it worked! Just a few small changes and you should be rolling! Goodluck.
static var DeathCount: int = 0;
var targetGuiText : GUIText;
function OnTriggerEnter(other: Collider) {
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Obstacle1"){
Application.LoadLevel ("Level1");
SetDeathText ();
function SetDeathText(){
targetGuiText.text = "Deaths:" + DeathCount;