Debug.log in a burst Job


I’ve done a job on unity for some A* pathfinding. And when i run it with the burst compiler, i have this error:

Burst error BC1348: Unsupported string.Format method called. Calling the method System.String.Concat(object arg0, object arg1, object arg2) is not supported by Burst. Only string.Format(string, object) or string.Format(string, object, object) or string.Format(string, params object[ ] args) are supported.

As i understand it, the debug.log cannot be called inside a Burst Job? But in that’s case, is there a way to create a log file of what’s happening?

We did add some initial support for Debug.Log in Burst 1.3.0 - if you can provide your Debug.Log example from your code we might be able to tell you more.

Hi, thanks for your answer,
I uploaded my script in answer. There is only one Debug.Log line 207 (in the current job)
If there is some condition for a Debug.Log to work in a job. What conditions are they?

5954399–638132–Pathfinding.cs (10.4 KB)

Change your line to something like this:
Debug.Log (string.Format (“{0};{1}”, node.x, node.y));
Looking at your error message, this should do the trick (no string.concat)

Would this also work?
IIRC this calls string.Format behind the scenes

Hi thanks for all your answer
I’ve tried this : Debug.Log($“{node.x};{node.y}”); or this Debug.Log (string.Format (“{0};{1}”, node.x, node.y));
I got this Burst error when i try : " Burst error BC1005: The try construction is not supported"
followed by :“Burst error BC1037: The try construction (e.g foreach/using) is not supported”

Right - foreach loops currently are not supported because they map down to a try {} finally {} underneath. Change the foreach loop to a for and it should now compile! :slight_smile:

Oh thanks for this precision, you’re right it compiles.
Thanks again.

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