Debug.Log logging


So when I build my Project as an executable and running it, it sometimes crashes. So I was wondering if there is a Log File of the Debug.Log log. When I run the exe normally, I gets created under C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\Project.
But when I train the exe with mlagents, I does not create a log there.
Am I missing something?


Let me flag this for the team to have a look. Which version of ML Agents, Python, & C# are you using?

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I am using: ml-agents: 0.17.0, ml-agents-envs: 0.17.0, Communicator API: 1.0.0, TensorFlow: 2.0.0 and python 3.7.7

This isn’t specific to ML-Agents. You can set the log path that Unity write to by passing “-logfile” to the executable commandline, or “-logfile -” to make it write to the console. When using mlagents-learn, you can use “–env-args -logfile logs.txt” “–env-args -logfile -” to make sure this is passed to the executable.

Perfect, Thank you very much!