Debug.Log() Strangest Error ever

I’ve recently bumped into the strangest problem that involves Debug.Log(). For a system I am working on I had been printing out a string concatenation of a Vector3.magnitude. After the system was up and running it was submitted via the AssetServer and another member of the team commented out the Debug.Log that I had forgot to. This caused the entire system to stop working. Bringing the Debug.Log() back into the code auto-magically fixed everything. It strange because their were absolutely zero operations happening in the Debug.Log and I had boiled it down to the fact

Debug.Log(" ");

keeps the whole thing from a working on not working state. If anyone has bumped into this in the past, or has any insight into the problem I would love hear your thoughts since the Debug.Log() that is running every frame. This bug was tested on a completely separate machine and the error persists. Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.

Just updating that after a few hours of testing the problem still persists.