[Debug Updater] object appears in hierarchy on play

Hi all,

Seeing this today for the first time: On pressing play in 2020.3.11f1, an object appears in my hierarchy and my hierarchy selection auto-focuses to it. It appears under the “DontDestroyOnLoad” heading and is named “[Debug Updater]”. It appears in all scenes but only in this project.

Near-total newbie here so any help on where this comes from and how to get rid of it would be great. I found this post which I suppose will get rid of it at the source, but I’d rather disable it as easily as I seem to have unwittingly enabled it. Any ideas out there?

I’m having the same problem. Its causing some of my UI to remain in new scenes.

It’s URP’s debug menu. You can disable it by running UnityEngine.Rendering.DebugManager.instance.enableRuntimeUI = false; in any script. It shouldn’t make a difference in builds either way.