Debugger 3.16: My daily life as a debug function

Hi there!

I’m working on game ( and I’m thinking about using Unity as engine for it!

But I’ve got a question: Is it possible to use unity without the editor?
I’m really a script based programmer… I want to create everything from one big script!
Is this possible with unity?

And last but not least: What do you think about the project?

No, you must use the editor. You can do most stuff by script though. In the most extreme case you could have a scene with a single empty object in it that has a script attached that builds the rest of the game, but you’d be better off using the editor for things that make your life a lot easier. (Such as linking prefabs in the inspector, so you can just swap that out if you want with a different prefab instead of re-writing code.)


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Hi Eric,

thanks for the quick reply, I understand!

At the moment I’m using the “A8” engine ( but the big problem is that this engine can only make games for Windows…

Is anybody here who knows that engine and switched whith his project to Unity too?
Is it complicated?

Well… there’s always Futile heh

That looks really interesting, thank you! :wink:

This is exactly what we do. The game has one scene, with one object that has one script called Engine.cs that puts everything in motion.