Debugging Behavior graph Subgraph

Hi all, when using the unity behaviour graphs, if I create a subgraph node and try to debug the graph for the corresponding agent, I can see that the behavior went into the subgraph but can’t check details of what happened inside

if I open the Behavior graph that I use as a subgraph I can not debug it because the list of agents is empty (I’m using this graph only as a subgraph so no agent has it set as their main graph)

is there a way to debug the subgraph for this agent?



Yes that does seem like an oversight and i’ll bring it to the team. We should probably do something like allow you to debug a graph with all agents that use it directly or as a subgraph somewhere down the chain. If it’s a dynamic subgraph im not sure what the possibilities are.

Thanks for raising it,


Think this feature would be incredibly helpful! Had to temporarily move all of my logic out of subgraphs because currently there is no way to Debug it unless relying solely on breakpoints.

Hello there,

Just to clarify the current status on that feature.

Currently, RunSubgraph node (Static) - when you assign an asset to the node directly, supports graph debugging :ballot_box_with_check: .

RunSubgraph Dynamic node - when you assign a blackboard variable to the node, does not support graph debugging :negative_squared_cross_mark:.

The difference lies in the fact that the Static version make a copy of the subgraph in the parent graph - thus, when running, we know from the get go which graph an agent is expected to run.

The Dynamic version will not know about the existence of the referenced graph until the RunSubgraph node is executed and will forget about it as soon as the node finish execution.

Next year, we are planning on investigating ways to make the Dynamic version debuggable.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face: