Debugging "SIGSEGV" error?

After playing my game for a couple of minutes, the game freezes with "program received single: "SIGSEGV". After I press pause/continue in Xcode, I get this:

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'. (Unknown error loading shared library "/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib")

That's all the info I've been able to get from the crash. Is there any way to debug this error? I'm running xcode 3.2.2, SDK 3.0 and Unity 1.7.

Have you tried doing what that message is hinting at, and press the 'continue' button in the Xcode debugger window?

I found a great answer to this on the forums today here.

Follow the instructions there to disable the debug stripping on your debug build, then within gdb when a SIGSEGV occurs, run 'thread apply all bt'.

This helped me track down an error that was occurring in a really unusual line that must have been a timing bug.