Debugging with unity

Hi guys,
At the current momment, what I’m doing is that I’m opening Unity, double click on one of those scripts I’ve written, then monodevelop gets opened, now I have to close unity and in monodevelop I do Run >> Run with >> Unity Debugger.
After this Unity gets opened and when I press the play button in unity the debugging session starts. But once only. If I stop this session in either unity or monodevelop I have to repeat this whole procedure all over again, which is very tedious. I have to open Unity, close Unity, (I have to close it because next step which is Run >> Run with >> Unity Debugger will open unity and if unity is already opened I’m getting error saying that only one instance of unity can open one project at a time).
What I’m asking is:
Is there any better workflow which would free me from this tedious switching on and off Unity, and every time I stop debugging session I would just start normally without doing these tedious repetitions?

Yep, in MonoDevelop use Run > Attach To Process and select Unity Editor. Now it’s running all the time and you can change code and let Unity do the build. Can be a bit flaky, save scene and project changes often.

Your code will recompile when you save it and the focus the Unity Editor.