I am using 2021.3.14f1 version and URP. I use all possible solutions in the forum but still in android build
decals dont work and are not seen in game. I am trying to solve for three months. Can you help me?
Start with the device logs, see if there are any shader errors being reported.
After that, set up an ultra-simple scene that has the malfunctioning component and perhaps one other object to project it on and test with that scene.
Anyone help?
This is how it worked for me!!
so depending on which URP settings you have selected, whether its;
- URP-High-fidelity or
- URP-Balanced
- URP-Performant.
make sure on it’s Renderer file setting, you have added Decal Render Feature.
example, for me i have selected URP-Performant , this my Renderer file setting