Looking for a simple explaination of how to dynamically add decals on a 3d model OnCollisionEnter with Unity 5
Looking for a simple explaination of how to dynamically add decals on a 3d model OnCollisionEnter with Unity 5
Learn has plenty of resources.
If i would have found an answer to my question there, i would not have posted it here.
Is there a link there that i’ve missed that talks about what i want?
Unity does not have a dedicated built in decal system.
You need to create a system of your own or use oe from the AssetStore.
For plane decals it’s still rather easy as you can simply use a plane with a transparent texture to instantiate on impact.
For everything beyond that you probably want to evaluate one of the systems from the store.
Yeah it’s just these are really low priority questions to answer in general since they get answered by yourself once you become more familiar with the engine or even google, where it is repeatedly answered over and over again.
Thank you
I haven’t seen a single technical article on google about how to use CommandBuffers and DrawMesh to create a decal system, so since i’m stuck playing around with OnWillRenderObject that won’t get called, i was looking for a comperhansive manual to doing this.
The only resource at the moment is pretty much this:
If you have a look at the example project, you get an actual implementation. That means you can directly start to experiment with it.
I am trying to reverse-engineer this example project, but my OnWillRenderObject method will not get called. and i don’t know why. (on my own project i mean)