Declaration of a 2D Array

Hello there, I’m stuck trying to change some code.
There was a declaration of a 2D array called drawPoints in a function which looked like this:

void DrawOrbits () {
    CelestialBody[] bodies = FindObjectsOfType<CelestialBody> ();
    var virtualBodies = new VirtualBody[bodies.Length];
    var drawPoints = new Vector3[bodies.Length][];
    int referenceFrameIndex = 0;
    Vector3 referenceBodyInitialPosition =;

    // Initialize virtual bodies (don't want to move the actual bodies)
    for (int i = 0; i < virtualBodies.Length; i++) {
        virtualBodies _= new VirtualBody (bodies*);*_

drawPoints = new Vector3[numSteps];
I am trying to decompose the DrawOrbits() function in many functions, so I tried this in my class:
public int numSteps = 1000;
private CelestialBody[] bodies;
private VirtualBody[] virtualBodies;
private Vector3[][] drawPoints;
private int referenceFrameIndex = 0;
private Vector3 referenceBodyInitialPosition =;

void Start() {
/* InitializeVirtualBodies() and drawPoints;*/
bodies = FindObjectsOfType();
virtualBodies = new VirtualBody[bodies.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < virtualBodies.Length; i++) {
virtualBodies = new VirtualBody(bodies*);*
drawPoints = new Vector3[numSteps];

if (bodies == centralBody && relativeToBody) {
referenceFrameIndex = i;
referenceBodyInitialPosition = virtualBodies*.position;*
And now I get this error: Assets\Scripts\Debug\OrbitDebugDisplay.cs(17,25): warning CS0649: Field ‘OrbitDebugDisplay.drawPoints’ is never assigned to, and will always have its default value null
I don’t get how to declare drawPoints correctly, the code seems to take it like it was 2 differents variables.
Thanks for your help!

You just need to initialize drawPoints and tell it how big you want it to be, which in this case is the number of bodies you have. Try this -

public int numSteps = 1000;
     private CelestialBody[] bodies;
     private VirtualBody[] virtualBodies;
     private Vector3[][] drawPoints;
     private int referenceFrameIndex = 0;
     private Vector3 referenceBodyInitialPosition =;
     void Start() {
         /* InitializeVirtualBodies() and drawPoints;*/
         bodies = FindObjectsOfType<CelestialBody>();
         drawPoints = new Vector3[bodies.Length][]; //Add this line
         virtualBodies = new VirtualBody[bodies.Length];
         for (int i = 0; i < virtualBodies.Length; i++) {
             virtualBodies _= new VirtualBody(bodies*);*_

drawPoints = new Vector3[numSteps];

if (bodies == centralBody && relativeToBody) {
referenceFrameIndex = i;
referenceBodyInitialPosition = virtualBodies*.position;*

It’s working, I thought I tried that already but I tried so many things I must have messed it all up, thank you very much!