Declaring a Vector3 variable in C#

Can a Vector3 be a variable? I thought so, but I can’t seem to find the correct syntax. How do I make this work?

for (float i = 0 ; i < blockX; i++)
Vector3 rowX = (i,0,0); //error on this line
Rigidbody instance = Instantiate (block,rowX, 0 );	

This gives me the error: error CS1026: Unexpected symbol ,', expecting )’

I have also tried skipping the declaration and just putting:

Rigidbody instance = Instantiate (block,Vector3(i,0,0),0);

That gives me more errors though.

Vector3 isn’t a variable, it’s a struct. You need create it instead of just assigning it, you were missing “new Vector3”

for (float i = 0 ; i < blockX; i++)
Vector3 rowX = new Vector3 (i,0,0); //error on this line
Rigidbody instance = Instantiate (block,rowX, 0 );  

When I try this with my code,

    float posX;
    float posY;
    Vector2 playerPosition = new Vector2(posX, posY);     //error on this line.

i get the error:

Assets\Player.cs(18,48): error CS0236: A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'Player.posY'

BTW I use Unity and I am a new porogrammer.