Decompose concave mesh into convex meshes

Is there a unity package that “automatically” decomposes a concave mesh into convex meshes? i.e. the Mesh Filter and Mesh Renderer components uses the concave mesh but the Mesh Collider component will somehow use the convex representation if the Is Convex box is ticked. Or something similar. I don’t know, just give me a few suggestions.

Have you looked at the MeshCollider with the “Is Convex” checkbox ticked? Because that should approximate the convex hull of the mesh.

See the example here.

Other than that, there are assets in the store which let you design collision geometry with primitives or perhaps even automatically approximate the shape with primitives.

All it does is create the smallest bounding box, which might be fine but I use my mesh to simulate vision, which is a dissected 72-gon created in blender. Each side has been subdivided into quads because I used ‘Poke Faces’. I don’t get why the mesh is still far off, like a 72-gon is not that complex right?

What are those assets then? Could you have at least told me their names?

Edit: Nevermind, most of my questions were answered when I took my time to read the example. Thanks anyway.