I’ve learned that you never mess with the forum. Unity’s learned it too.
makes the sacred sign of lithium
I’ve learned that you never mess with the forum. Unity’s learned it too.
makes the sacred sign of lithium
Some questions inevitably slip through the cracks of even the most active sections. I don’t know about anyone else but I tend to ignore questions where the OP couldn’t be bothered to follow the basic guidelines that the forums have like using code tags to syntax highlight code rather than just blindly pasting it. Or posting that they had a problem without any info.
Basically if I don’t answer the question it’s almost always because the individual put zero effort into it, and if the person asking can’t be bothered to properly explain the problem why would they expect me to be bothered to answer it.
Unity does already have staff look after their own areas of each forum though… generally staff on these forums have a very high activity vs other engines.
Unity is already moving in the right direction with Unity Live Support, nice to see, would be interesting to see a forum team!
Right, so instead of free support in the forums from people who donate their time, you would like to pay.
Unity livehelp! For all your HTML header needs!
I guess producing a graphic that would be relevant to Unity would be too much work.
Or is it a hint that soon Unity will more or less become a website generator?
I don’t see anything wrong with either way, especially if its a question someone doesn’t want to donate their time for.
Good idea. They should slap beta on everything (while accepting money for it) so they are impervious to criticism.
Would be a good idea to submit that feedback to them.
Yeah, sadly they don’t have a proper channel for feedback any more.
Yes, I assumed a good place for feedback and suggestions would be this general discussion forum, maybe there is a better place.
There are several (many) paths of support depending on your level of need.
The forums are a community support site. They exist as a way for users to gather share tips and support, show the projects and works in progress, get feedback and share feedback. As it is a message board, it also means that prior discussions are archived and can be searched. Much of the time most common questions can be answered by searching, not asking. A bonus (not a guarantee) is that many of the staff jump in a do provide support when they have time and ability to do so. Let me repeat for clarity DEVELOPER STAFF RESPONSE IS NOT A FEATURE OF THE FORUMS, when they, they are doing because they are passionate and all around good eggs.
You will find developers here are all skil level, from industry pro/vets, high end indies, related fields that, passionate indies, artist, engineers, designers and goofballs. Some cover many of those descriptions.
Again: The forums are Community Space for Community to help one another. It is not “dead” or “slow” or whatever, if the at your perception, it is an incorrect one, and literally trivial to assess. The phrases “some people say” or “some believe” are 100% equivalent to “I have no clue, but going try to negative spin to get a reaction”. pointless waste of time, literally everyone here is smart enough to smell the bullshit. If you have a intelligent reasoned question, ask it. If you don’t get an answer ask way. Most likely it uber repetitive or poorly asked. ( @angrypenguin has a great list to help you ask better questions.) . Adding a “Staft team” is unnecessary and contrary to what these forums are.
Public chat about all things unity . Fast paced, and as above a community service, also as above staff to do show up and help when they have time, and it is in their wheelhouse. In my many years here, on maybe the dozen times I had to ask a question about something wierd, most got a staff response. Of course, I wrote a clear question with lots of details . (not “Is borke! HALP”) . I would use the chat stuff second, the forums first.
If you have a more complex issue that you haven’t found answer for you can try chat.
If you believe the probem may be unity misbehaving , file a bug report. Make it super clear and include a repro. They are proritzied by quailty and rerpoducableity. If your ticket sucks, it won’t get far.
https://livehelp.unity.com/ Hire an expert on a per hour basis to help you with your project.
Get exactly the help you need from unity support staff.
Basically all levels of support are available, including many groups outside of unity. If the forums don’t help, work your way up the options, everything is there, There isn’t really any reasonable argument to add “more” options. Especially if you have tried all the options.
(To my knowledge Answers is dead, just not buried) . Someone was hired to bring it back to life and they quickly disappeared.
Hehe. I like a good strong title like that.
What? How is the forum in any way dead?!
Almost every section has constant daily activity, and any sections that do not (such as vuforia section) either have their own forum elsewhere (such as the official vuforia forum) or are related to areas that not many people are interested in.
Its not just that some people have high post counts as you put it and are therefore defending it, its that these people are here daily and are much better placed to assess how much activity the forum gets than say, yourself. And it really does get a lot of activity.
I really dislike it when people use phrases like “I frequently see users complaining that…” which is another way of saying you are making stuff up and do not have evidence to back it up. If it was so frequent you would have been able to easily show a range of examples.
Id wager you could not / did not because its so infrequent that examples are pretty hard to find without some digging.
On several occasions over the years I was contemplating switching engines but the low level of staff interaction on the alternative engines forums quickly helped change my mind.
Of course there are specific instances where forum silence from Unity on a particular matter makes me sad and forces me to read between the lines, but this happens infrequently enough that I am usually very happy with their input on the forums.
Off topic but: Your profile picture looks a little bit like something NSFW on fire
Outside of general the forum is pretty much dead. For example I just asked a question in our WIP thread, lets see if anyone responds
So, the forum is dead because there are some vague questions unanswered. Right. Seems legit.
BTW, I tend to not to answer questions which are out of place. If the user is so lazy and do not pay any attention to the simple rules, then why should I make the effort? And neither should Unity.
starts a band called Ion and only plays the record Battery from the Metallica
Try getting a response to any WIP post on any platform. If you ain’t a big name nobody cares.
I tend to do WIP just as journal for self to get thoughts settled during a break. But sometimes on more interesting projects there may be few people who check in now and then, and that’s really motivational so well worth the effort.
I really wish more people would barge into WIP and offer unsolicited critique. I think most people wanna be sure the project is actually gonna finish before putting their own time into it but I think it’s benefit to entire community to read critiques about any and all type of work. That’s my favorite type of thing to read.
Lot of time spent discussion useless things, imagine if just ten percent went into thorough, thoughtful critiques of each others work on regular basis. That would be worth money almost!