Dedicated iPhone hardware required for iPhone development?

Hi guys,

Thanks for all your help and replies so far. I’m about to delve into the Unity iPhone world but I have a quick question about building XCode projects …

I saw around the place that you need to install special certificates in xcode / mac / iphone before you can push your compiled unity game to the iphone. I have a consumer iPhone on a plan which I just use as my normal day to day phone. My questions are:

A) Do I need a dedicated iPhone solely for running non-published material?

B) Can I use my existing iPhone without it being completely taken over as a ‘development iphone’?

C) What are your recommendations

I develop using my personal iPhone. It’s not a problem at all. It’s doest not interfere with the iPhone at all, and actually allows to me play my test games while I am out without requiring me to take a second device with me.

it doesn’t mess around with any other behaviours at all? Just works like a normal iPhone but lets you run unsigned/unpushlished code?

Exactly. To be more precise, it lets you run code signed by your certificate. Your iPhone’s or iPod’s id is tied to a provisioning profile, along with your own developer id and the application’s id, and X-Code uses that profile to install applications on the device. AFAIK, the device is not altered at all.

Yep - same here. Develop with my personal phone, not a separate one

That’s great news!

Thanks guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not to be nitpicky, just to avoid potential confusion:

The phone will work as usual, but it does not let you run unsigned code. You can install apps on it that are sorta signed with your developer provisioning profile or with an ad hoc provisioning profile, so for the phone the app is like any app downloaded and installed from iTunes with a required signing.
(Just to make clear, its not like a jailbroken device that allows to run anything but at the same time you run into the danger that the jailbraking proccess makes some usual functionalities not work anymore or make you worried of updating your firmware etc).

Would it be feasible if I wanted to develop for ipod Touch but only distribute my application to a restricted company/set of users that I sell my application to?

Like a corporate licensing scheme?

Or am I forced to go through iTunes store?

Thanks in advance for the responses!

Apple does have an enterprise license, which is $299/year and allows limited distribution to a company instead of through the App Store.


Thanks a lot, Eric5h5!

I’ve Googled it up and in fact that is what I needed.

A couple of questions remains, though: is that a “per app” charge? Does the target company has any role in such an arrangement or is it just between Apple and the app developer?

I’ll look it up regardless: maybe you already know the answer.

Again, thanks for the prompt response.

Sorry, all I know is that the enterprise license exists; I don’t know any more details than what I posted. :slight_smile:
