My first time deploying and testing a dedicated server on the unity cloud.
I’ve run a local mac server build and tested with the editor as client.
I use SystemInfo.graphicsDeviceType == UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType.Null to detect if server or client.
Everything works as expected.
Server logs I’m here at ip x and port x.
Client logs I’m trying to connet to ip x and port x and then returns success or failue.
I then run a linux server build and upload to the unity cloud. I create a build config and fleet and run a test allocation. Everything says success.
I wait 5 minutes then the fleet says “online” and each server running the build says “available”.
I then take the ip and port from the server list and try in the editor to connect to that server. The client is unable to connect. I realize I’m not sure exactly how to know if the servers are running or not.
I click on one of the servers and the logs files are empty.
Does this mean it’s available but not started?
I then hit the manual “Start Server” and it starts the server then returns back to “available” without writing any logs.
The expected result is that after starting server is that it would write out a log of it’s ip and port and other debug info or at least write out an error. Returning to available without any output seems strange.
How do I start a server and confirm it’s running (will it say “Started”?) so that I can connect directly via a client without matchmaking?
Any advice?