Dedicated Server

I’ve written a pretty basic space shooting game just to get me au-fait with unity’s HLAPI Networking. Howerver, I just saw the cost model for hosting on their servers and no way in hell am I paying that.

So, I’m wondering if there’s any sort of dedicated server option available or if I’ll have to swap frameworks?

There’s very little information available on this oddly enough.

Dedicated Server is the best solution for big traffic website. US server is very good to get proper service.

@hughesjs These days I tend to host absolutely everything on Amazon Web Services. Not affiliated by the way, AWS is just the de facto industry standard. If you want to learn something that will be useful beyond Unity it’s also not a bad choice.

Take a look at the the smallest EC2 instances - potentially with a load balancer - you can get away with roughly 5$ a month.