Default-Material (Instance)

I want to set the material of multiple objects stored in an array to mats. But the material beeing set is not mat but “Default-Material (Instance)”. I checked that mat is the right Material so that is not the problem. Help plz - thx

foreach (GameObject GO in gameobjectarray)
GO.GetComponent().materials[1] = mats;

@maikmayo The code you’ve supplied isn’t valid. If you want to swap a material at runtime, you have to access the GameObject’s renderer, then iterate through the materials collection on the renderer. I’m unsure of how the variable mats is defined, but from usage, it’s clearly a single material, so:

foreach (GameObject GO in gameobjectarray)
    if (GO.GetComponent<Renderer>())
        // This will swap all materials on the Renderer to mats
        //foreach (Material m in GO.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials)
        //    m = mats;

        // This will swap only the 1th material in the Renderer to mats
        if (GO.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials.Count() >= 2)
            GO.GetComponent<Renderer>().materials[1] = mats;        