Default packages

This topic has probably been discussed many times, however, is there a way to customise the default packages that are used on new projects?

Each time I make a new project, I get default packages automatically installed and have to go into PM each time to uninstall packages, which I’m never going to use.

For example, I get the Rider package automatically installed, I’m never going to use this, as far as I’m concerned, this is advertising.


One additional detail on top of this would be to be able to control the default version of each package as well. I find it pretty annoying that every new HDRP project I create, the first thing I need to do is open the package manager, and actually pick the latest version of HDRP, instead of whatever default version the engine has chosen.

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Hey guys,

Thanks a lot for the feedback, we are aware of this issue and we are working on a feature to ease its pains.



@craigjwhitmore @dgoyette Hi,

You can configure default packages used for new project and their versions via modifying package manager manifest.json for Unity installation (can be found here for example of 2019.3.0f6: YOUR_UNITY_INSTALLS_PATH\2019.3.0f6\Editor\Data\Resources\PackageManager\Editor\manifest.json).

In that file, there is defaultDependencies json key

"defaultDependencies": {
"com.unity.textmeshpro": "2.0.1",
"com.unity.collab-proxy": "1.2.16",
"com.unity.test-framework": "1.1.9",
"com.unity.modules.xr": "1.0.0"

Packages and their versions listed in default dependencies are package to be included into new project. Modify that data in manifest.json to control packages to be used in new projects. I strongly recommend doing backup copy of that file to have your Unity installation default dependencies for future reference.

Note that new project packages are driven not only by default dependencies from manifest.json but by project template you create project from (it has dependencies as well). So resulting packages are union of default dependencies and project template dependencies. Not sure how Unity resolves package version in case same package is present in both default dependencies and template dependencies.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks, I wasn’t aware the defaults were so easy to change. I’ll try that out.