Default.png cause crash if

Default.png cause crash if it modified with photoshop cs3 … with other software nothing …

someone know why this crash ?

Bug report it, with the image file causing the crash attached.

i repot it!!!

this is an example , i only write is it , any image modified with cs3 couse crash with any progect


This is part of the Unity iPhone Basic licensing requirements. See the console log.

console of unity or xcode ? What should I look?

I believe the message is in (the OS console). It basically says what Joachim said . :wink:
There is another long thread about this in the forums subject Splash Screen if I recall.

in console :15/11/08 17:53:00 [0x0-0x44044][1238] MobileDevice: send_message: Could not send message size: Bad file descriptor