Default Values? (on by default/off by default)

Hello! I am trying to create an FPS game. I have made a flashlight that works with the press of a button to turn it on and off. My only problem is that I don’t want the flashlight to be turned on when I start the playmode. I want it to be turned off by default.

I tried boolean = false ; but it just said the “boolean is not assigned to”.
I am pretty new to Unity. Can anyone help?
Heres my script :

private var flashlight : Light;  

function Start () {
    flashlight = GetComponent("Light");

function Update () {

    if (Input.GetKeyDown("g")) {
       if (flashlight.enabled) {
         flashlight.enabled = false;
       } else {
         flashlight.enabled = true;

You could simply disable it at Start - and just toggle enabled at Update:

private var flashlight : Light;  

function Start () {
    flashlight = GetComponent("Light");
    flashlight.enabled = false; // turn it off at Start

function Update () {
    if (Input.GetKeyDown("g")) {
       // toggle enabled:
       flashlight.enabled = !flashlight.enabled;