Hi everyone
First of all, I’d better say I’m sorry due to my bad English Also I’m a totally beginner in the Unity forum so I probably post this issue in the wrong room, if so please guide me to the right forum subcategory.
Anyway, I have a long road mesh with a lot of meshes , transform and other prefabs inside, I generated this long roads straight and I like to deform it along a curve spine and whenever this scene will be supposed to be loaded , this long road should be deform based on a curve ( among a few pre-defined curve) actually I want to make a variety of scene so that the player each time think that this scene is totally different.
Nevertheless the question that I have is how could I deform the entire a node contain all of sub elements that I said along a curve so that the meshes completely follow the curve as a spine ( as if all sections of road are prependicular on the curve )
Some people told me that it could be done by vertex shader and some other said that it could be implemented by displace each vertex one by one (it seems by this way a clone of the entire mesh should be prepared as a backup but it could consume the memory pointlessly), each one has its pros and cons. But I’m not familiar with such method.
Is anyone can help me to clarify this method organasly and share some tutorial link or etc.
Thanks a lot in advance