Delay in a GUI.Toolbar?


i’ve made a GUI.Toolbar for later use in my Project using the following code :

    var ToolbarInt : int = 0;
    var ToolbarStrings : String[] = ["First", "Rewind", "Play", "Stop", "Forward", "Last", "Quit!"];
    function OnGUI(){
    ToolbarInt = GUI.Toolbar(Rect(0,25,Screen.width,30),ToolbarInt,ToolbarStrings);

For some strange reason, the change of the selected Button (ToolbarInt) is a bit delayed and stops responding entirely after a few clicks. How can i solve this?

Nevermind i found the Problem. All of these Buttons can only be Triggered once from what it looks like, because they only respond once.

Should i ask a new question on that or edit this one?