Is there a simple way to delay Interactable Objects in Unity for a VR Environment? I just want objects to move with a delay when I grab and drag them around.
You could make an invisible child grabbable, that manages the parent with a delay and custom interacitons
You can also read out the trigger values and do everything manually via interactors
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Thank you for helping.
I made 2 seperate independent objects. First one has only a render component for visualisation, second one is an invisible XRGrabinteractable object.
This skript is on the visible rendered object:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class InteractablesDelay : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject childObject;
public float delay = 0.2f;
private Queue<Vector3> positionHistory;
private Queue<Quaternion> rotationHistory;
private Queue<float> timestamps;
private float lastUpdateTime;
void Start()
positionHistory = new Queue<Vector3>();
rotationHistory = new Queue<Quaternion>();
timestamps = new Queue<float>();
void Update()
if (Time.time - lastUpdateTime >= Time.fixedDeltaTime)
lastUpdateTime = Time.time;
if (timestamps.Count > 0 && Time.time - timestamps.Peek() >= delay)
transform.position = positionHistory.Dequeue();
transform.rotation = rotationHistory.Dequeue();
private void StoreHistory()
Iām open for improvement in the code.
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